Python, the jack-of-all-trades amongst programming languages, beckons with a myriad of avenues to breathe life into your code. Within its arsenal lies the IDLE, an integrated haven where developers rendezvous with creativity, forging, refining, and scrutinizing their Pythonic creations. Our expedition shall unfurl the steps to orchestrate a Pythonic spectacle within IDLE’s domain, accompanied by nuggets of wisdom, a treasure trove of FAQs, and the artistry of best practices.

Getting Started with IDLE

IDLE (Python’s Integrated Development and Learning Environment) is a user-friendly tool that provides an interactive environment for writing and executing Python code. It comes pre-installed with the Python distribution and is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux. Here’s how to get started:

  1. Launch IDLE: Depending on your operating system, you can find and open IDLE from your applications menu or by searching for it in the search bar;
  2. Create a New File: Once IDLE is open, click on “File” and select “New File” to open a new editor window. This is where you’ll write your Python code.

Writing Your Python Code

Before running a Python program in IDLE, you need to write the code. Let’s go through the process of writing a simple “Hello, World!” program:

print(“Hello, World!”)

Saving Your Python File

After writing your code, it’s essential to save it before running it. Follow these steps to save your Python file:

  1. Click on “File”: In the editor window, click on the “File” menu;
  2. Select “Save As”: Choose “Save As” from the menu to specify where you want to save your file and what you want to name it. Make sure the file has the .py extension (e.g.,;
  3. Choose a Directory: Navigate to the directory where you want to save your file. You can create a new directory or choose an existing one;
  4. Enter the File Name: Type the desired name of your file, followed by the .py extension. For example,;
  5. Click “Save”: Once you’ve selected the directory and provided a file name, click the “Save” button to save your Python file.

Running Your Python Program

Now that you have written and saved your Python code, it’s time to run the program in IDLE. Follow these steps:

  1. Click on “Run”: In the editor window, click on the “Run” menu;
  2. Select “Run Module”: Choose “Run Module” from the menu, or you can press the F5 key as a shortcut. This action will execute your Python program;
  3. Observe the Output: The output of your program will be displayed in the interactive shell window at the bottom of the IDLE interface. In the case of the “Hello, World!” program, you will see the text “Hello, World!” printed in the shell.

Best Practices for Running Python Programs in IDLE

Running Python programs in IDLE can be a productive and efficient way to develop your code. By following a set of best practices, you can enhance your programming experience and create well-organized, readable, and maintainable code. 

1. Use Descriptive File Names

When creating Python files, opt for meaningful and descriptive names that reflect the purpose of your code. This practice helps you and others easily identify the contents of each file and understand its role within the project. Using clear and concise names improves code organization and promotes a structured approach to development.

2. Comment Your Code

Commenting your code is crucial for providing explanations and context to your programming logic. Use comments to outline the purpose of functions, methods, and complex sections of your code. This practice aids in understanding the functionality of your program and simplifies collaboration with team members or future maintenance. Consider using both inline comments and block comments for clarity.

3. Run Small Tests

Complex programs can be challenging to debug as a whole. To simplify this process, break down your code into smaller units and test each component separately. This approach, known as unit testing, allows you to identify and fix issues in isolation. It also ensures that individual components work as expected before integrating them into the larger program.

4. Keep the Shell Clean

Before running a new program, clear the shell window by navigating to the “Shell” menu and selecting “Clear Shell.” A clean shell provides a clutter-free view of your program’s output and helps you identify errors and responses more easily. This practice is particularly useful when testing code snippets or examining the output of different program segments.

5. Regularly Save Your Work

Frequent saving of your code is a fundamental habit that prevents data loss caused by unexpected crashes, power outages, or accidental closures. IDLE provides an auto-save feature, but it’s recommended to manually save your work at key milestones. This precaution ensures that your progress is preserved and minimizes disruptions to your workflow.

6. Explore IDLE’s Features

IDLE offers several features that can significantly enhance your programming experience. These features include:

  • Code Highlighting: IDLE highlights syntax elements in different colors, making it easier to visually distinguish between variables, keywords, strings, and comments;
  • Auto-Indentation: As you type, IDLE automatically adjusts the indentation of code blocks, helping you maintain consistent formatting and adhere to Python’s indentation-based syntax;
  • Code Completion: IDLE provides suggestions as you type, reducing the likelihood of typographical errors and accelerating your coding speed;
  • Interactive Debugging: IDLE’s debugger enables you to step through your code, set breakpoints, and examine variable values at different stages, making it easier to identify and rectify issues.

Incorporate these features into your programming routine to streamline your development process and optimize your code’s quality.


Running Python programs in IDLE is a straightforward process that allows you to quickly test and execute your code. By following the steps outlined in this guide and adhering to best practices, you can efficiently write, save, and run Python programs using IDLE. Remember to practice regularly and explore more advanced features of IDLE to become a proficient Python programmer. 


Can I run Python programs with user input in IDLE?

Yes, you can. If your program requires user input, the input prompt will appear in the shell window. Enter your input there, and the program will proceed accordingly.

I encountered an error while running my program. What should I do?

Errors are common in programming. Read the error message carefully to understand what went wrong. Check your code for syntax errors or logical mistakes. Google the error message for solutions, or consult Python’s official documentation.

Can I run only the selected portion of code in IDLE?

Yes, you can. Highlight the code you want to run in the editor window, then right-click and choose “Run Selection” from the context menu.

How do I stop a running program in IDLE?

If your program is stuck or taking longer than expected, you can stop it by clicking the red “X” button in the shell window or by pressing Ctrl + Break (Windows) or Command + . (macOS).