The game designer creates the structure of the game. He thinks up the idea, the rules, the gameplay, and decides what emotions the story will evoke in the players.

You’ll learn the principles of game design from scratch and how to work with the popular Unity and Unreal Engine engines. You will learn how to retain players’ interest and monetize games. And we’ll help you start your career in the game industry.

Game Designer course content
Four core game design courses and over 50 development topics that will teach you how to test any hypothesis on prototypes.

Game Design
You’ll learn how to create a game world, characters, and work through mechanics. You will learn how to compile a project design document and prepare the game for release.

Game design basics.
Nodes of game design.
Rules for creating a game environment.
Rules for creating the hero.
Possible actions of the hero and environment.
The space and possibilities of non-playable characters.
The choice of the player.
The objectives of the game.
The rules of the game and player training.
Bonus material. 13 practical techniques for a game designer.
Stages and processes of development: the initial stage.
Stages and processes of development: teamwork.
Stages and processes of development: documentation, version support and testing.
Game publishing.

Technical Basics of Game Development
You will learn how to prototype games. You will be able to work in task-trackers and manage team development. Understand how to develop further in the game industry.

Actual platforms.
Game engines.
Technical basics for working with graphics.
Version control.
Problem-setting systems.
Configuration files.
Game prototyping.
Game creation in Unity Bolt.

Final work: game prototyping in Unity Bolt.

Game Design. Documentation .
You will learn how to work with documentation at every stage of game development.

Working with documentation on game projects.
Production documentation.
Game design documentation.
Technical documentation and app stores.
Marketing documentation.
Project documentation.
Technical documentation.
Art department documentation.
Administrative structure, staffing and project economics.
Final work: game design document preparation.

Game design. Game Balance.
You will learn how to balance game mechanics for projects of different genres. Learn how to calculate the combat system, in-game economy, pumping and other aspects of gameplay. Use balance tools to learn how to create fascinating and profitable games.

Checking game balance.
Final work: preparation, analysis and description of balance for the game.