Maintenance plays a pivotal role in upholding the security, efficiency, and reliability of your application, as crucial as delivering a seamless user experience and other end-user-oriented features. Merely launching your app into the market is just the initial step towards its success; continuous monitoring of its performance is the subsequent key. Thankfully, there exist various avenues for mobile application maintenance that ensure alignment with your business requirements. Let’s explore the different types of long-term app maintenance, alongside highlighting the significance of outsourcing this service. By adopting effective maintenance practices, you can sustain your app’s performance and maximize its potential for ongoing success.

The Power of Mobile Application Maintenance: Why It Matters

Amidst the rapid development of web and mobile apps, it is surprising that only a handful of organizations recognize the significance of investing in long-term app maintenance. Let the following statistic serve as a wake-up call: in the first half of 2021, over 813,000 apps were removed from the Google Play and iOS Store (Pixalate report, 2021).

Why did this happen? Primarily, non-compliance with policy, privacy, design, and functionality requirements. And how can you ensure your app meets these criteria? Through diligent maintenance, of course.

Unfortunately, many small and medium-sized businesses are unaware of the consequences of neglecting maintenance during application development. Some of the crucial repercussions include a decline in user appeal and subsequently limited profits.

However, the advantages of mobile application maintenance are manifold. By prioritizing maintenance, you can:

  • Avoid the need to rebuild your app due to insufficient functionality.
  • Reduce technical debt that can hinder future progress.
  • Safeguard against hacking and security breaches.
  • Prevent computer breakdowns and subsequent revenue loss.
  • Save time by scheduling and implementing updates when necessary.
  • Streamline productivity by reducing the number of version iterations.
  • Ensure your application evolves in line with user needs.

Moreover, through consistent maintenance operations, you guarantee a higher level of expertise for your products, as you have a dedicated team focused entirely on this essential task.

a woman holds a phone at the table

Understanding the Cost of Mobile App Maintenance

Based on research conducted by AppInventive, it is recommended that companies allocate approximately 12 to 25% of their budget for the effective maintenance of their applications. However, it’s important to note that there are no rigid rules in this regard. The specific percentage of the budget dedicated to maintenance and upgrades can vary based on factors such as the application’s size and complexity.

When providing cost estimates to our clients, we carefully consider various factors including:

  • Technologies implemented in the application
  • The complexity of the app
  • Integration with other systems
  • Usage of open-source components
  • Types and frequency of cybersecurity threats

Due to these considerations, it can be challenging to provide an immediate budget estimate without conducting a thorough business and technical analysis. Nevertheless, investing in mobile application maintenance is a wise decision that yields long-term benefits. As an experienced team that has successfully delivered numerous mobile applications, we strongly emphasize the importance of preventive maintenance over reactive measures.

Essential Categories of Mobile Application Maintenance

Before delving into mobile application maintenance, it’s essential to understand the diverse range of maintenance types available. By familiarizing yourself with these four key categories, you can proactively ensure an exceptional and secure user experience for your app.

Corrective maintenance

Corrective maintenance plays a crucial role in the lifecycle of your software or application. It focuses on rectifying malfunctions that impact your users’ experience. This type of maintenance is employed to address problems that arise after the delivery of your software or application.

Key aspects of corrective maintenance include:

  • Anomaly Analysis: Thoroughly examining the reported issues and anomalies to identify their underlying causes and determine the most appropriate course of action.
  • Error Resolution: Applying the necessary changes, updates, or fixes to address the identified errors and restore the functionality of your software or application.
  • Comprehensive Testing: Conducting extensive testing procedures to validate the effectiveness of the implemented solutions and ensure that the problems have been successfully resolved.

Preventive maintenance

Preventive maintenance encompasses a range of proactive measures aimed at facilitating ongoing maintenance by implementing active monitoring practices. Key components of preventive maintenance include:

  • System Monitoring: Continuously monitoring your system to enhance security, stability, and performance, thereby ensuring a seamless user experience.
  • Infrastructure Monitoring: Regularly monitoring the underlying infrastructure supporting your software or application to identify potential issues and address them promptly.
  • Regression Testing: Automating the testing process to assess the system’s performance and functionality, identifying any regression issues that may arise due to updates or changes.

Adaptive maintenance

Adaptive mobile application maintenance shares similarities with preventive maintenance, but it differs in that it involves making modifications to the system and its components. These modifications are necessary to adapt to significant changes in the application or software environment.

By embracing adaptive maintenance, you demonstrate a proactive approach, effectively mitigating potential future complications and reducing the need for extensive technical support. The primary objective is to ensure that your application or software remains agile and functional, even in an ever-changing environment. This proactive stance allows your product to adapt seamlessly to evolving requirements, providing a reliable and user-friendly experience.

  • Software updates that adhere to your license limitations, ensuring compliance and legal conformity.
  • Implementing modifications to maintain consistent compatibility with the latest versions of mobile devices, computers, tablets, and web browsers. This ensures seamless user experience across various platforms.

Evolutionary maintenance

Evolutionary maintenance serves as a preventive measure to mitigate long-term issues in your application or software. It involves incorporating additional modules to enhance agility, ergonomics, and efficiency. Depending on the complexity of the update, this type of maintenance can be carried out by the service desk or the project office.

In essence, evolutionary maintenance is a necessary progression that helps you avoid multiple long-term maintenance tasks. Its benefits include:

  • Enhancing existing functionalities in the application or software.
  • Developing new features to meet the evolving expectations of users, customers, or administrators.

To ensure effective mobile application maintenance, it’s important to adopt a holistic approach encompassing automation, technical support, security testing, and advanced monitoring. For more valuable insights on providing long-term maintenance for a successful mobile application, we invite you to explore our comprehensive guide on the best tips for app maintenance.

man holds a phone on blurred background

Elevate Your Business with Professional Mobile Application Maintenance

The success of an app goes hand in hand with consistent monitoring and maintenance beyond its initial launch. To streamline this process and optimize your app’s performance, we offer comprehensive outsourcing solutions for app maintenance.

You can enjoy the following advantages:

  • Expertise and Time-Saving: Leave the complexities of app maintenance to our skilled professionals, freeing up your time and resources to focus on core business activities without compromising the quality of your app’s upkeep.
  • Proactive Issue Prevention: Our proactive approach helps identify and address potential maintenance issues before they impact your app’s functionality, ensuring smooth operation and minimizing disruptions.
  • Efficient Issue Resolution: In the event that maintenance issues do arise, our dedicated teams are well-equipped to promptly resolve them, drawing on their extensive knowledge and providing your business with invaluable insights for the future.


Mobile app maintenance plays a crucial role in ensuring the stability and security of your application. Regular updates, bug fixes, performance optimizations, and security patches are essential to keep your app running smoothly and safeguard it against evolving threats.

App maintenance is an ongoing process that should be integrated into your development lifecycle. Stay vigilant, monitor user feedback, and keep an eye on emerging technologies and industry best practices to stay ahead of the curve. By prioritizing app stability and security through proper maintenance, you can build trust with your users, foster long-term engagement, and ensure the success of your mobile application in an ever-evolving digital landscape.