Unity, a prominent name in the game development community, holds a significant share in the mobile entertainment market, powering approximately 43% of all mobile games. Notably, about 15% of Unity entertainments are specifically developed for iOS, indicating a strong demand for iPhone games built on the Unity engine.

While iPhones are often associated with convenience and user-friendliness, the same cannot be said for entertainment development on this platform, especially when using Unity. Creating an iPhone entertainment in Unity can be a challenging endeavor. However, fear not! This guide aims to provide valuable insights into the intricacies of iPhone entertainment development using Unity, including tips on development peculiarities and alternative options like Unity game development services.

Now, let’s address the burning question: Can you develop iOS entertainments with Unity? The answer is a resounding yes! Unity offers the necessary infrastructure and accessibility that iPhone developers yearn for. Since its initial release in 2004, Unity has continuously improved and expanded its capabilities, resulting in an impressive lineup of 20 supported platforms, including mobile devices. In terms of versatility, Unity emerges as a clear winner in the Unity vs. Cocos2D comparison and remains a close contender against Unreal Engine.

  • As mentioned earlier, iOS entertainments constitute a significant portion of Unity projects. Consequently, Unity’s creators have dedicated considerable effort to providing robust infrastructure and support for iPhone game development. 
  • The first inclusion of iPhone support dates back to 2007, and since then, Unity has introduced a range of valuable scripting APIs, seamless integration with Xcode (the default integrated development environment for iOS), and a comprehensive suite of tools compatible with various platforms, including iOS.
  • Developers venturing into iPhone entertainment development with Unity can take advantage of these resources to streamline their workflow and leverage the power of the Unity engine for creating immersive and engaging gaming experiences on iOS devices. By familiarizing themselves with Unity’s iOS-specific features and optimizing their development process accordingly, developers can overcome the challenges associated with iPhone game development and unlock the full potential of their creations.

Some crucial details 

So while developing an iPhone entertainment with Unity may present its fair share of challenges, it is undoubtedly a feasible and rewarding endeavor. Unity’s robust infrastructure, extensive platform support, and tailored features for iOS make it an ideal choice for entertainment developers aiming to tap into the vast iPhone gaming market. By following this guide and exploring Unity’s vast array of resources, developers can embark on an exciting journey of crafting captivating iPhone games that captivate audiences worldwide. So, grab your creativity, dive into Unity, and let your iPhone entertainments come to life!

When embarking on a new project that involves utilizing unfamiliar programs or targeting a different platform, the initial stages can be overwhelming, leaving individuals unsure of where to begin. To mitigate this, it is advisable to start with a well-thought-out plan. By evaluating and gathering the necessary resources beforehand, the active phase of development can commence smoothly.

Technical requirements play a crucial role in the creation of an iOS game with Unity. In terms of hardware, it is imperative to provide all team members involved in coding and design with high-performance computers. This ensures they can effectively review and test the entertainment under various conditions. Additionally, 3D modelers may require graphic tablets to facilitate the creation of 2D and 3D assets. To facilitate thorough testing, it is recommended to have multiple iPhones of different models and iOS versions. Furthermore, if the game incorporates networking functions, a dedicated server might also be necessary.


When it comes to software, you will likely utilize a combination of the following programs: Unity, Xcode (Integrated Development Environment), Blender, Maya, 3DS Max, and iOS SDK (for Mac-based development).

In terms of cost and time, it’s important to recognize that the development of fully-fledged entertainments destined for public release typically spans several months and can extend to years, depending on the scope and the level of commitment devoted to the project. Similarly, costs can vary significantly, primarily influenced by the time invested by specialists and the number of individuals involved. While a significant portion of the budget is allocated to paying the salaries of the specialists, there are additional expenses to consider, such as software licensing, server rental, and hardware maintenance.

As a result, the cost of most commercial game projects starts at $55,000 and can escalate into the millions, depending on the factors mentioned above and many others that are unpredictable. It is not uncommon for RPGs, hyper-casual entertainments, and AAA titles to boast budgets exceeding $2 million. Undoubtedly, these costs should not be taken lightly. However, the potential financial rewards, should the game achieve popularity, have the potential to outweigh the expenses multiple times over.

It is crucial to approach iOS entertainment development with Unity with careful consideration of the technical requirements, associated costs, and the dedication of time and resources required. By adequately planning and allocating resources, developers can navigate the challenges more effectively and increase their chances of creating a successful iOS game that captures the attention of players worldwide. While the road may be demanding, the potential rewards make the journey worthwhile. So, gather your resources, brace for the challenges ahead, and let your creativity and determination shine through as you embark on your iOS entertainment development journey with Unity.

When comparing iPhone game development with Android development, there are distinct considerations from both a business and technical standpoint. From a business perspective, many companies opt to develop entertainments for the iPhone due to the target audience in North America, which boasts a large number of paying iPhone users and presents a significant profit potential. However, it is important not to overlook Android as an additional platform, as Unity offers excellent infrastructure for Android development, and many successful Android games have been created using Unity.

From a technical standpoint, there are notable differences in the development process between the two operating systems:

  • Screen Sizes: iPhone screen sizes are more standardized and easier to scale compared to the wide range of Android devices produced by numerous manufacturers, each with different proportions.
  • Alerts and Privacy Settings: iPhone alerts and privacy settings are generally more streamlined and user-friendly compared to their Android counterparts, providing a smoother user experience.
  • Navigation Buttons: Android apps are designed with functionality built into the “back” button and two other navigation buttons, while iPhone apps typically rely solely on the “home” button for navigation.
  • Aesthetics and Animation: iOS offers robust animation design features, making it easier to achieve high-quality aesthetics in entertainment development.

Getting started with development involves several steps once you have assembled a team of Unity developers or utilized existing staff members. After creating a plan and completing most of the art and design work for your game, you can dive into the exciting and challenging phase of production – development. It’s important to note that entertainment development with Unity is a comprehensive process that could take weeks or even months to fully cover in detail. Therefore, we will focus on highlighting key aspects:

  1. Game Mechanics: Define the core gameplay mechanics, including player controls, objectives, and challenges. This forms the foundation of your entertainment and should align with your overall concept.
  2. Scripting: Utilize Unity’s scripting capabilities to bring your game mechanics to life. Write code in C# to control entertainmentplay elements, character behaviors, and interactions within the entertainment world.
  3. Visual Assets: Integrate the artwork and visual assets created during the art and design phase into Unity. This includes character models, environments, special effects, and user interface elements.
  4. Audio Integration: Enhance the gaming experience by integrating sound effects and background music into your game. Use Unity’s audio features to create an immersive auditory environment.
  5. Testing and Iteration: Continuously test your entertainment on different devices and platforms to identify and fix any bugs or performance issues. Gather feedback from testers and iterate on your game to improve gameplay, balance, and overall user experience.

While these are fundamental aspects of entertainment development with Unity, remember that each game is unique and may require additional considerations and features. Embrace the creative process, iterate on your ideas, and aim to deliver an engaging and polished entertainment to captivate players.

Embarking on an iPhone entertainment development journey with Unity is an exciting endeavor that requires careful planning, technical expertise, and a solid understanding of the target audience. By leveraging the strengths of Unity and considering the nuances of iPhone development, you can create immersive and enjoyable gaming experiences that resonate with iPhone users around the world.

Key stages of game development using Unity

Account Setup

To begin the entertainment development process, it is essential to create accounts with Unity and Apple Developers. Unity offers various plans, including a free option for small projects and advanced plans like Plus, Pro, and Enterprise. If you are working with a team, the Enterprise plan, which costs $2,100 per month for 10 seats, may be the most suitable.

Creating an Apple Developer account is crucial if you intend to release your game on the App Store. During the signup process, you will need an Apple ID and a D-U-N-S number for your company. There is a yearly enrollment fee of $100, though certain entities may be eligible for a waiver.

Utilizing Device Functions

To build the core functionality of your entertainment using Unity, you will closely interact with classes like Handheld and Input. These scripts dictate how users interact with your app and how the app responds, such as enabling vibration, activating or disabling activity indicators, and entering full-screen mode.

Your scripting environment will primarily involve the Integrated Development Environment (IDE) XCode, along with external debuggers and code analyzers. These tools will assist you in setting breakpoints and maintaining code quality. For the scripting backend, you have the option to choose between Mono or IL2CPP, with IL2CPP being the only one that allows ahead-of-time (AOT) code compilation.

Coding and Exposing Code

As Unity operates on C# while iPhone apps run on Objective-C or Swift, you will need to call native functions in these languages using special C# scripts. This binding process can be facilitated through the use of plugins. Creating native plugins involves two interconnected libraries—one with the native script and another with Unity’s C#. The interactions, rules, and functional conditions of plugins can be defined using Unity’s Plugin Inspector.

Working with Assets

To incorporate assets into your entertainment logic and work with them in Unity, you must first import them. These assets come in various forms, including image files, 3D models, textures, meshes, and audio files. You can import them individually or as groups and collections using Asset packages and AssetBundles.

The import process is typically straightforward. The engine assigns an asset ID to the object(s), creates a .meta file, and processes the object. For more complex and large assets, special parameters may need to be set in the Inspector menu during the import process. Some assets, such as meshes, animations, and audio tracks, can be created directly within Unity.

Game developer coding at the computer

Implementing Monetization

To make your game profitable, you have several monetization options available, including initial purchase, in-entertainment ads, and in-game purchases. While the app price cannot be set within the Unity entertainment engine’s iPhone settings, it can be determined in the App Store listing.

Implementing in-game ads requires downloading the Unity Ads SDK and working with it. On the other hand, in-app purchases can only be added through integration with Apple’s StoreKit API. Additionally, non-fungible tokens (NFTs) can be considered as an alternative form of monetization through in-entertainment purchases. Setting up such monetization options is best done in collaboration with an NFT game development company that possesses relevant expertise.

By following these key stages of entertainment development using Unity, developers can lay a solid foundation for creating engaging and successful entertainments for iPhone users. With careful planning, technical proficiency, and a touch of creativity, the possibilities for creating captivating gaming experiences are endless.

Tips and considerations for iOS development with Unity

As developers navigate the iOS development journey, they will encounter unexpected surprises and evolving circumstances that can significantly impact their progress. To navigate this path effectively, the following tips and considerations should be kept in mind:

  • Consider cross-platform development: Unity simplifies cross-platform development, allowing developers to create games with multiple platforms in mind, such as Android and PC. While variations between platforms exist, Unity’s Platform Dependent Compilation feature enables developers to customize code for each platform individually.
  • Explore iPad development: Although iPhones have a significantly larger user base compared to iPads, it can still be beneficial to make your app available to iPad users. You have the option to create a dedicated iPad version of your app or rely on Apple’s scaling feature, which adapts the iPhone app to fit iPad screens.
  • Embrace the use of plugins: While Unity offers a wide range of features, it may not fulfill all iPhone-specific requirements. Embracing the use of plugins allows developers to write code and scripts outside of the Unity engine and integrate them through Unity plugins.
  • Choose the right Unity version: When downloading Unity, it is crucial to select the appropriate version. Newer versions often introduce new features and upgrades, but they may also come with bugs and issues. It is generally advisable to opt for the previous stable build until most of the issues have been resolved.
  • Don’t be alarmed by large file sizes: Developers may be surprised by the larger file sizes of iPhone app bundles compared to their Android counterparts. This discrepancy is mainly due to different compression methods used by the platforms (ETC compression for Android and PVRTC compression for iOS). As long as the entertainment is well-optimized, the difference in file sizes can be attributed to these compression variations.
  • Prioritize testing on iPhones: Thoroughly testing your Unity game on iPhones is essential to ensure a smooth user experience and avoid negative reviews. Testing should be conducted at various stages of development to collect feedback and make necessary changes before finalizing the entertainment’s core functionality and features.
  • Explore testing options: Developers have multiple options for testing their Unity games on iPhones. The Unity Test Framework, available in the Unity Package Manager, offers a comprehensive and efficient testing tool built on an open-source unit testing library. Additionally, Xcode’s testing simulator provides a straightforward yet effective solution. Developers can deploy alpha builds to real devices or use features like Unity Remote to simulate iPhone devices.

By considering these tips and utilizing the available testing options, developers can enhance their iOS development process and deliver high-quality Unity entertainments for iPhone users.