For some inexplicable reason, there exists a common assumption among many individuals that the creation of mobile entertainment is a simple endeavor. They draw conclusions from the likes of Flappy Bird, a game developed within a mere three days, and mistakenly believe that other tasks can be finished off with similar ease and speed. While this may hold true for certain 2D and pixel art entertainments, it is important to recognize that the expansion of multiplayer and AAA titles for mobile devices demands an exponentially greater amount of time and attempt.

This narrative aims to explore the intricacies involved in crafting a multiplayer portable game and provide insights on where to find portable entertainment development services should assistance be required. Essentially, it encompasses all the necessary information one needs to embark on their own gaming venture.

The process of creating multiplayer portable entertainment presents a considerable challenge. These games possess the extraordinary possibility to attract a substantial user base rapidly, yet their development surpasses the complexity of single-player titles. This distinction arises from the fact that such entertainments cannot simply exist as standalone software that users download once and subsequently employ freely. Instead, they necessitate a persistent web relation and frequent data communication to and from the entertainment’s servers. Of course, this requirement changes if the game can be enjoyed simultaneously by multiple individuals on a single screen. With such an extensive roster of personnel involved, the financial aspect emerges as a significant consideration. Furthermore, even after the entertainment’s release, ongoing expenses will likely be incurred to maintain server operations, conduct updates, and so forth, leading to additional financial burdens.

Which portable platform should one prefer for their game?

When it comes to mobile entertainment development, Android and iOS undeniably stand as the two major platforms that capture the attention of developers. From a marketing perspective, both platforms offer excellent opportunities, boasting a vast user base consisting of hundreds of millions. Let’s delve deeper into these considerations.

Selecting Android: Crafting incredible app

Android presents creators with remarkable freedom and a plethora of instruments that streamline the development process. Java and Kotlin serve as the primary languages for Android entertainment development.

Developing an Android multiplayer game requires careful planning and execution. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started. First, define your game concept and mechanics. Next, choose a game engine like Unity or Unreal Engine to build your game. Then, design and create the game assets, including characters, environments, and UI elements. Implement the multiplayer functionality using a network framework like Photon or Google Play Services. Test and debug your game to ensure smooth gameplay experience. Finally, optimize your game for performance and publish it on the Google Play Store, promoting it to reach a wider audience. With dedication and creativity, your Android multiplayer game can become a hit.

Choosing iOS: Developing a multiplayer entertainment for iOS

One of the key advantages of iOS development lies in its uniformity. Unlike Android, the range of devices and operating system versions to test your game on is considerably smaller, simplifying certain stages of the development process. iOS coding is generally regarded as more straightforward due to the concise nature of the programming languages used (Swift/Objective C), although opinions on this matter vary within the development community. Should you opt for iOS as your platform of choice, be prepared for a meticulous and time-consuming review process.

  • By selecting iOS for your entertainment, you gain access to a vast audience estimated at 1.65 million users. While this number is significantly smaller than Android’s user base, iOS users have a tendency to spend more on apps, with a ratio of nearly 2 to 1. 
  • The community of iOS developers is also smaller compared to Android, with approximately 4.1 million utilizing Objective-C or Swift. Nevertheless, this is still a robust number, trailing only slightly behind the estimated 5.5 million developers using PHP and 5.4 million using C++. 
  • These programming languages remain in high demand, as the number of iOS apps continues to grow annually, ensuring that finding skilled developers in this field should not pose significant challenges.
  • The process of app certification and approval on iOS is somewhat more intricate. The App Store is renowned for its stringent guidelines and a review process that rejects approximately 40% of initial applications. However, in most cases, the rejections are for minor corrections, and the review typically concludes within 24-48 hours. 

Similar to Google Play, there is no option for paid placement of apps in featured lists. Instead, a private selection process carried out by the editorial staff takes into account various factors such as performance, accessibility, and other criteria when curating the featured app lists.

Girl is playing in computer games with headphones

Choosing both: Developing a multiplayer cross-platform game

When it comes to creating cross-platform entertainment that can be enjoyed on different mobile operating systems, utilizing a game engine such as Unity or Unreal will provide the smoothest experience. However, if you decide to develop versions for mobile devices as well as PC or console, it is unlikely that you can extensively reuse code and functionality, as full-scale apps are typically constructed in distinct ways with varying priorities. The next section delves deeper into this approach, offering a more comprehensive exploration.

Alternatively, if your goal is to make your entertainment accessible on multiple devices simultaneously, building it for web browsers presents another viable option. This approach tends to require less testing since browsers are already optimized to accommodate diverse screen sizes and operating systems. Additionally, leveraging the existing server architecture of a website enables you to incorporate networking features for a real-time multiplayer HTML5 game.

Game Engines and Server Architecture for Mobile MMOs

Exploring the essential tools and techniques employed in the development of major multiplayer games.

Creating a mobile multiplayer game using UE4

Unreal Engine 4 (UE4) is widely renowned for its capabilities in building large-scale entertainments that deliver impressive performance and stunning visuals. The engine offers extensive customization options for matchmaking and other networking modes, as well as a visual scripting system that facilitates rapid prototyping, particularly for those who may find C++ coding challenging. Unreal provides comprehensive guides specifically tailored to multiplayer game development, covering various networking topics such as setting up dedicated servers, conducting testing, and monitoring user connections.

Developing a Unity multiplayer mobile game

Unity is highly regarded as one of the top entertainment engines for mobile platforms, although its built-in multiplayer features are somewhat limited. Historically, Unity relied on the UNet solution to simplify the development and support of multiplayer functionalities, but it has since become outdated. Presently, Unity offers a solution called MLAPI, which is still in its early stages and requires further improvements. Consequently, many developers find themselves building multiplayer features from scratch or utilizing Unity’s paid solutions like Multiplay, Vivox, and Matchmaker.

Server Architecture

Establishing the client-server architecture for a game represents one of the most challenging technical aspects of development, but entertainment engines typically provide useful tools and features to assist in this process.

One prevalent approach to server architecture in multiplayer entertainments involves centralizing all game activities on a dedicated server. In other words, users primarily handle controls and provide input, while the server processes the outcomes of these actions and renders them on the users’ devices.

Given the competitive nature of multiplayer entertainments and the susceptibility to hacking, the central-server approach prevents users from gaining an unfair advantage by modifying their local copies of the game.

How to Generate Revenue from Your Multiplayer Game

Generating revenue and ensuring profitability is crucial for entertainment studios seeking to recoup development costs and generate ongoing income. To achieve profitability, studios can employ various monetization strategies:

  1. Up-front payment: Players are required to pay an initial fee to download the game but can then enjoy unrestricted access.
  2. Microtransactions: Additional in-game items, buffs, or customizations are offered for a price to enhance the gaming experience.
  3. Subscription: Many subscription-based entertainments offer a free trial period, with subsequent regular payments required for continued access.
  4. Advertisement: The majority of game content is accessible for free, with advertisements displayed during gameplay or in-between sessions.
  5. NFT market: NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) represent unique digital assets on the blockchain, and incorporating them into entertainment has become a highly profitable trend. If you lack expertise in this area, partnering with a reliable NFT game development service provider can be advantageous.

These monetization models are not mutually exclusive, and it is common for mobile multiplayer entertainments to incorporate a combination of advertisements and optional in-app purchases.

Mobile Game Development Services

For those seeking a swift and professional game development process, engaging a specialized entertainment development studio is a viable option.

  • For instance, Game-Ace offers a team of skilled professionals proficient in all aspects of entertainment development, including the creation of intricate multiplayer functionalities. 
  • With an extensive portfolio of successful mobile projects, our team comprises developers, artists, animators, and more. 
  • By leveraging our expertise, you can expect your game to be executed to your exact specifications while benefiting from our wealth of experience in the industry.

In addition to the aforementioned monetization strategies, there are other innovative approaches that can help generate revenue from multiplayer games. One such method is in-game advertising integration, where brands collaborate with entertainment developers to incorporate product placements or sponsored content within the game environment. This allows advertisers to reach a captive audience while providing players with a more immersive experience.

  • Another emerging trend is the implementation of loot boxes or gacha mechanics, where players can purchase randomized virtual items or characters, creating a sense of excitement and anticipation. However, it is essential to strike a balance between monetization and player satisfaction to avoid a negative backlash from the gaming community.
  • Moreover, multiplayer games can leverage community-driven features to drive revenue. This includes offering cosmetic customization options, such as unique skins or avatar accessories, that allow players to personalize their in-game appearance. 
  • Additionally, hosting special events, tournaments, or competitions with entry fees and exclusive rewards can attract both casual and competitive players, further boosting monetization opportunities.

When it comes to mobile entertainment development services, partnering with a reputable studio brings numerous benefits. Experienced development teams can provide expertise in designing scalable multiplayer architectures, ensuring smooth gameplay experiences even with a high volume of concurrent users. They can also assist in optimizing game performance, reducing latency, and implementing robust anti-cheat measures to maintain a fair gaming environment.

To wrap up 

Furthermore, entertainment development studios often have access to a network of talented professionals across various disciplines, including game designers, sound engineers, and quality assurance testers. This collaborative approach ensures that all aspects of the entertainment, from its mechanics to its audiovisual elements, are carefully crafted to engage and captivate players.

In conclusion, generating revenue from multiplayer games requires careful consideration of monetization models, balancing player satisfaction with profitability. With the help of effective entertainment engines, robust server architectures, and the expertise offered by mobile game development services, studios can create compelling multiplayer experiences that not only entertain players but also drive sustainable revenue streams.